Deliverables week 5

This week we have worked a lot on creating content, pictures and finally making sure that everything we want to present is presented in the right way.

Last week, we had already changed the theme of the website as it occurred to us that the old theme just did not allow to do what we wanted. The old theme limited us in many ways. At first, we were convinced that we just had to find out how the theme worked and that it would be theme same struggle we would have to go through if we chose a different one. However, things just did not seem to improve and that is how we ended up trying and experimenting with other themes. This is how we ended up with the current one.

Let’s now dive into this week. Because we had chosen a different theme last week, the task for this week was to rearrange the website and make sure all new and old content was added. Luckily, we managed to do this quite quick. The new theme also allowed us to add a gallery to our new posts, which is something we wanted to do from the beginning on. This is why we ended up adding a gallery to each review and deleting the gallery we had implemented on the homepage. On top of that, we also added captions and titles to all our picture to make sure our SEO would be more on point.

In class, we received feedback for our reviews, they were too long. Thus, we followed the advice we had gotten and shortened them by basing the reviews on our 5 star rating. We left out the table with our ratings as we already talked about this in the review. We did keep the contact details of the restaurant in the reviews and we added a gallery to each review.

Next to all of this, we managed to figure out how we could add the posts to the links in the middel of the website. For some reason, they only appeared in the menu on the right top. After a lot of searching, trying and experimenting, we finally found the solution. So, now if you go to recensies and click on for example lunch, you will see all our posts on lunches.

Furthermore, we kept our social media up to date by regularly posting something online. Through the help of the internet we found certain time frames in which you will probably receive the most likes and/or reach the most people. Next to this, some researchers had apparently researched what to post on the different types of social media platforms. This is why we started adding food related content on Instagram.

When it comes down to usability, we asked some visitors how they experience our website. Most people stated that the website is quite easy to navigate through and that the menus and links are pleasant to work with. Also, they liked the fact that we have links to our social media. Anyway, just like the feedback we got in class, most visitors think our posts are too long and that is why it came out just right that we started experimenting with shorter reviews this week. Besides all of this, they want to see more picture, not just of what we have ordered but also of the menu.

We will give an update on how we did with our KPI’s next week as the one writing this post is unable to enter this data for some unexplainable reason, still working on it!

An update about the visitors until week 5, we found out the following:

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