Deliverables week 4

This week, we have worked on creating more content for our website. We believe that from now on we can really show relevant content to our target audience and we hope to see this through in the amount of visitors.

An assignment was given about online revenue models for our company, and we have written an essay about this topic, but besides that we also created a presentation (individually) about our opinions regarding this topic. What would be the best online revenue model for us to use for the platform

We started of with various online revenue models:
Affiliate model
Brokerage model
Sales model
Advertising model
Subscription model

After discussions and evaluation of alternatives, we think that a combination of the affiliate and advertising online revenue model will fit best for our platform. For the long term, we also want to do research about the possibilities of a subscription model. We do understand that in order to do so, we really have to create added value for our customers. It has to be information, entertainment or some other value (like discount on restaurant) which has to pursue them to get a subscription.

Before we can use one of the methods to earn money and create revenue, we first have to invest. We have to create brand-awareness and leads. For example, if we want other companies / restaurants to advertise on our website, we have to show them that there is a substantial amount of visitors on our website. The same goes for the affiliate model.

We will use our investment to create a ‘buzz’ and brand-awareness via multiple channels. We will focus specifically on the target audience between 24-35 years old, living and working near Utrecht. We decided that we are going to use A/B-testing, in order to get a better insight in the customer behaviour.

A/B-testing is running a simultaneous experiment between two or more pages to see which performs or converts the best. Despite the name (A/B testing), the experiment can be conducted with as many pages as desired.

We are also thinking of inviting guest bloggers but also react on other websites and bloggers, which can be beneficial for us because it will mean that we reach a bigger network. We are trying to create really valuable content. We want to be everywhere in our niche. Providing valuable content on other sites outside of our own will build an engaged audience. Once they know, like, and trust us, we believe that we will be more able to market our product / service to them.

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