Deliverables week 3

Above you can find our customer persona’s. These customer persona’s are based on what kind of work they do on a daily basis. We chose to look into our customer persona’s based on their work preferences and habits, because in this hectic world people are becoming more and more flexible, also within their work environment.
This means that work spaces will also differ compared to before. Nowadays, people want to work in an environment that is inspiring. Therefore, meetings will often take place in restaurant, but also just creating content or inspirational sessions can occur in a setting as a restaurant.

Of course we have also mapped out the customer journey for each of our persona’s.


  1. Awareness: we believe we can make Lieke aware by word of mouth communication since she is someone who prefers face to face communication.
  2. Interest: We can make Lieke interested in us by approaching her via social media and by sending her e-mails. As we do not have a database with e-mails we will focus on online advertising and social advertising (on social media).
  3. Consideration: By reading our blogs and reviews, also reviews about us she will make her decision.
  4. Purchase: There is nothing to purchase from us. However, she can find us on the main social media forms: Instagram and Facebook. Also, we have a website. Last but not least we have a mobile version as well of our website which makes it handy for on the way.
  5. Retention: She can reach us through either social media or through our website. On top of that, she can always e-mail us as we have set up an e-mail address for the website.
  6. Advocacy: By sending out surveys and being reachable on social media we believe we can turn her into a loyal customer.


  1. Awarness: We will make Luuk the same way aware of us as we would make Lieke aware.
  2. Interest: Through emails, social ads, online ads and possible SEA.
  3. Consideration: By reading reviews about us but also by friends telling him about us.
  4. Purchase: Mainly through social media.
  5. Retention: Social media and e-mail which can be found on our social media and website.
  6. Advocacy: Always reachable.

The Google-keywords that we chose are:
lekker eten, lunchen, restaurant in de buurt, romantische restaurants, onbeperkt eten, goedkoop eten, reviews restaurants, recensies restaurants, waar moeten we eten, waar gaan we eten, leuk restaurant, lekker restaurant, nieuw restaurant.

This is based on the Google Ads campaign builder that we have used in order to create these keywords.

We will use these keywords as part of our SEO approach. Using these keywords will hopefully make us rank higher in search engines like Google.

Next to this, we also have been busy with creating content for our target audience. An article about a lunch at TEDS in Utrecht is published and also a new article is online about a lunch at Metro City Kitchen in Utrecht.
We are now working on our third and fourth article, about The Golden Brown Bar in Amsterdam (diner) and Shizen in Utrecht (diner).

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