Week 1 – Deliverables

The first week started off well on Wednesday. Instructions were given about the weekly deliverables and about the project in general.
We formed groups and we began to brainstorm about our ideas. We set up a work blog on WordPress.com and created an account for our website.
We are both quite overwhelmed with information when we want to choose a restaurant, and websites like Iens.com are filled with both positive and negative content. We want to do it differently. We want to create a positive platform where people can directly see an overview of restaurants and decide whether they want to go there.

The criteria where we will focus on during a visit of a restaurant will be:
-Instagram worthy
-Waiting time
Besides that, we will also mention something about the drinks, suitable occasions for the restaurants, details of the location of the restaurant and the type of kitchen.

Our objectives
17 February 2019 – 50 individual page visits
7 April 2019 – 200 individual page visits

How are we going to reach our objectives?
Our first focus is of course our family and friends, although this is a relatively small ‘group’, we think that they can help us in giving comments about the look and feel of our website and our tone-of-voice. Later in the process, when we really feel comfortable and when we created enough content, we will actively share posts and sneak-previews on our facebook and Instagram pages. To create engagement with our online audience, it seems cool to involve people in the process of picking a restaurant.
Also, we want to get in contact with the restaurants and find out if they might be interested in some form of collaboration. It seems like a win-win situation, because the restaurant will get more customers, and we as a website can promote ourselves.

Our goal is to post at least once a week a review about a restaurant that we have visited (both breakfast, lunch and dinner)
Our target group are young people who like to go out and share our love for food, a good atmosphere and great service. We will make sure that our reviews are suitable for different budgets, because we will vary in restaurants that are affordable but also visit restaurants which are more luxurious and therefore more expensive.

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